Syrian, Russian forces destroy "terrorist" strongholds in N. Syria

opinions2024-06-03 18:01:38948

DAMASCUS, April 6 (Xinhua) -- Syrian and Russian forces on Saturday launched a series of joint attacks on "terrorist" sites in the countryside of Aleppo and Idlib provinces in northern Syria, the Syrian Defense Ministry said in a statement.

The operations were carried out in response to the continuous violations and attacks by "terrorist organizations" on towns, villages, and military sites, said the statement, noting the strikes targeted headquarters, vehicles and heavy equipment of "terrorists" and inflicted casualties.

Additionally, the Syrian forces successfully repelled a drone attack by "terrorists," destroying and shooting down a number of drones and preventing them from reaching their intended targets in Idlib, a key stronghold for various rebel factions in Syria.

The countryside of Aleppo and Idlib provinces has been witnessing sporadic confrontations and gunfire exchanges between rebel groups and Syrian forces.

(Editor:Fu Bo)

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